
Time variation characteristics of agricultural green development indexes in Lishu County, Jilin Province

  • 摘要: 吉林省梨树县作为全国农业生产先进县, 始终走在农业绿色发展的前沿, 本研究将其作为典型案例, 通过已构建的中国农业绿色发展指标体系, 结合NUFER模型, 从社会经济、食物生产、生态环境3个方面, 分析1994—2019年梨树县农业绿色发展指标特征及其变化规律, 进一步探究吉林省县域农业绿色发展的推动及制约因素。结果表明, 1994—2019年梨树县农业绿色发展整体水平稳步提升, Ⅰ、Ⅱ级指标占比由47%下降到23%, Ⅲ、Ⅳ级指标占比由22%上升到47%。在社会经济方面, 人均农业综合投入和农村居民人均可支配收入逐年增加, 2019年较1994年分别增长454.6%和866.7%; 人均蛋白摄入量和动物生产蛋白占比有良好的改善, 均达到Ⅳ级水平; 农业机械化动力虽呈增长趋势, 但仍处在Ⅰ级水平, 有待提高。在食物生产方面, 单位农业产值能耗和农田化肥磷吸收利用效率多年来一直处于Ⅳ级水平, 但畜禽氮综合利用效率始终处在低级水平; 此外, 农药、化肥氮投入均在2019年达到Ⅲ级水平, 但过程中不是持续增长, 受年限的影响较大。在生态环境方面, 截止到2019年, 单位耕地面积因氮投入产生的氮排放、氮盈余及环境代价均呈好转趋势, 但畜禽粪尿综合利用率和单位耕地畜禽承载量始终处在Ⅰ级水平, 说明梨树县畜牧业发展仍有很大的挑战。综上, 资源未充分利用、环境污染和生态破坏严重制约吉林省县域农业绿色发展, 究其原因是种植结构单一、优质农产品产量低, 农药、化肥等投入量较高, 畜牧业养殖数量不稳定, 下一步急需合理开发利用黑土地资源, 大力推广测土配方施肥、保护性耕作等优秀农业技术, 解决优质农产品供需矛盾等问题, 减少对生态环境的伤害, 全面推进吉林省县域的农业绿色发展。


    Abstract: As an advanced agricultural production county in China, Lishu County in Jilin Province has always been at the forefront of green agricultural development; this study took it as a typical case. Through the established indicators system of Chinese agricultural green development, combined with the nutrient flows in food chain, environment and resources use (NUFER) model, it analyzed the characteristics and change rules of agricultural green development indicators in terms of social economy, food production, and ecological environment, from 1994 to 2019, in Lishu County. The driving and restricting factors of county agricultural green development in Jilin Province were further explored. The results showed that the overall level of agricultural green development in Lishu County has improved steadily from 1994 to 2019, with the number proportion of indicators of gradeⅠ and gradeⅡ decreasing from 47% to 23%, and the number proportion of indicators of gradeⅢ and gradeⅣ increasing from 22% to 47%. In terms of social economy, the per capita comprehensive agricultural input and the per capita disposable income of rural residents have increased annually, and the per capita protein intake and the proportion of animal protein production have also improved, both reaching a grade Ⅳ level. Although the power of agricultural mechanization has shown an increasing trend, it is still at levelⅠ and needs to be improved. In terms of food production, the energy consumption per unit agricultural output value and the fertilizer phosphorus absorption utilization in farmland have been at level Ⅳ for many years; however, the comprehensive nitrogen use efficiency of livestock and poultry nitrogen has always been at a low level. The input of pesticides and fertilizer nitrogen reached levelⅢ in 2019; however, it did not increase continuously during the process, which was greatly affected by the years. In terms of the ecological environment, nitrogen emissions, nitrogen surplus, and environmental losses per unit cultivated land area due to nitrogen inputs all showed an improving trend from 1994 to 2019. However, the comprehensive utilization rate of livestock manure and the livestock and poultry carrying capacity per unit area was still at grade I, which meant that the development of the livestock industry still faces great challenges in Lishu County. Above all, the underutilization of resources, the environmental pollution, and ecological damage was caused by a single plantation structure, low yield of high-quality agricultural products, high input of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and unstable numbers of livestock. It is therefore urgent to develop and utilize black land resources reasonably, to vigorously promote testing soil for formulated fertilization, improve conservational tillage and other excellent agricultural technologies, solve the contradiction between supply and demand of high-quality agricultural products, reduce damage to the ecological environment, and comprehensively promote the green development of agriculture in Jilin Province.


