
The configuration pathways of organic agriculture development in China: a study based on fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis

  • 摘要: 洞悉有机农业发展的多元驱动路径对于促进我国农业绿色可持续发展至关重要。本文基于组态理论, 以中国省域有机农业发展为案例, 综合运用必要条件分析和模糊集定性比较分析方法, 通过探讨市场环境、资源禀赋、组织条件和政策制度的多重因素对区域有机农业发展的联动效应, 揭示有机农业发展的多元驱动路径。研究表明: 市场环境、资源禀赋、组织条件和政策制度等方面的多重因素并发联动形成了有机农业发展的多元条件组态; 存在4条驱动有机农业发展的差异化路径: 政策主导组织助力型、市场和组织双轮驱动型、认证和组织叠加带动型以及认证带动资源优势型。3种导致非高有机农业发展的条件组态均指向有机认证和产业化组织促进有机农业发展的显著效应。因此, 研究认为积极推动有机产品认证、发展产业化组织、加大政府正向激励是促进有机农业发展的主要政策建议, 此外各地应根据自身特点和资源禀赋选择有机农业发展的差异化路径。


    Abstract: Organic agriculture is a popular sustainable agricultural production method and is becoming an important method for the green development of agriculture in various countries. Testing the causally complex relationships between organic agricultural development and its multiple influencing factors and clarifying the configurations and pathways for promoting organic agricultural development play important roles in achieving high-quality agricultural development. This study advocated an asymmetric configuration perspective that tests the causal complexity of high and none-high organic agriculture development. This study explored the necessary conditions for organic agriculture development using the necessary condition analysis (NCA) method. Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) was then used to detect the impact of different configurations of multiple factors on organic agriculture development and explore the synergy pathways with different configurations for organic agriculture development. Our main findings revealed that no single explanatory attribute of organic agricultural development constituted the necessary condition. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, the following four pathways be consisted of market environment, endowments, organization conditions and policy system were revealed with different configurations for the rapid development of organic agriculture in China: led and organized by government; market- and organization-driven; certification- and organization-driven; and certification-driven resources. Three recipes existed for the low development of organic agriculture, all of which presented the absence of organic certification and organizational conditions, revealing that organic certification and organizational conditions played an important role in organic agriculture development. The inspiration for optimizing the development environment of organic agriculture is that although there are differences in the market, ecological conditions, public policies, and organizational conditions in various regions, this does not prevent these regions from promoting the development of organic agriculture through different configuration paths. The conclusions provided empirical evidence and a theoretical reference for governments to formulate public policies to promote organic agricultural development in different situations. The contributions were as follows: first, this study adopted NCA methods to examine whether any single factor constitutes a necessary condition for the development of organic agriculture in China, which advanced the understanding of prior research on correlational relationships between the influencing factors and organic agriculture development as well as revealed that government support plays an important role in driving the development of organic agriculture in China. Second, based on the configuration theory, the QCA method was used to explore the synergistic impact of multiple factors, such as the market environment, resource endowment, organizational conditions, and policy systems, on the development of organic agriculture. This is a useful supplement to traditional empirical research and provides detailed and rich empirical evidence of the complex causal relationship between the development of organic agriculture and its influencing factors. Third, this study conducted a more systematic and specific analysis of the influencing factors and driving path of organic agricultural development at the provincial level. This enriched prior literatures by offering a more fine-grained understanding of China’s unbalanced development of organic agriculture. Finally, we conducted a mixed study of NCA and QCA, which promoted research on the necessary and sufficient causality between influencing factors and organic agriculture development.


