
Development measures of the fertilizer industry under the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals: Analysis of carbon emission reduction and existing problems from 2011 to 2020

  • 摘要: 碳达峰和碳中和目标已经成为世界发展的共同目标。肥料在碳排放中起着双重作用, 既消耗能量产生碳排放, 又提升作物固碳能力减少碳排放。未来很长一段时间, 肥料对于粮食和农业生产仍具有不可替代作用, 使用合适的肥料产品、科学施用肥料, 对于减少碳排放有重要的作用。本研究利用联合国粮农组织、国家统计局、农业农村部等网站公布的数据资料, 分析我国肥料行业碳减排现状, 提出存在的问题, 探讨“双碳”目标下肥料行业的发展建议, 以期为肥料行业低碳化发展提供参考。结果表明: 2011—2020年我国肥料行业碳减排成效显著。化肥产量和施用量呈先增后降态势, 化肥减量成为当前农业碳减排的最大贡献者。中国农用氮、磷、钾化肥的产量由2015年的最高值7.43×107 t (折纯, 下同)降至2020年的5.50×107 t, 降幅达26.05%; 化肥施用量由2015年的最高值6.02×107 t降至2020年的5.25×107 t, 降幅达12.82%; 中国化肥的碳排放由2015年的3.35×108 t CO2 eq降至2020年的2.74×108 t CO2 eq, 降幅达18.21%。有机肥产量呈上升态势, 促进了农业固碳减排, 2020年有机肥产量达到1.56×107 t, 比2015年增长29.46%。科学施肥技术加快推广, 提高了肥料吸收利用率, 水稻、玉米、小麦三大粮食作物化肥利用率逐年提高, 2020年达40.20%, 比2015年提高5个百分点。目前, 我国肥料行业还存在一些问题: 1)化肥施用量依然偏高, 利用率偏低; 2)新型肥料创新不足, 市场较为混乱; 3)施肥不科学问题依然存在, 化学肥料偏多、有机肥偏少; 4)肥料立法缺失, 监管仍然薄弱。对标“双碳”目标, 我国肥料行业发展应该做好5个方面工作: 大力研发新型肥料, 加快推广减肥增效科学施肥技术, 强化农业废弃物资源化综合利用, 强化肥料行业立法监管, 加强科学低碳施肥宣传培训。


    Abstract: Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality have become common goals in global development. Fertilizers play a dual role in carbon emissions. They not only emit carbon due to energy consumption but also reduce carbon emissions by improving the carbon sequestration capacity of crops. Fertilizers will continue to play an irreplaceable role in food and agricultural production for the near future. Appropriate fertilizer products and scientific applications can support carbon emission reduction. This study used data published by the FAO, the National Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, and other websites to analyze the current situation of carbon emission reduction in China’s fertilizer industry. It identified the existing problems and discussed the development measures of the fertilizer industry under the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, in the hope of providing a reference for the low-carbon development of the fertilizer industry. The results showed that China’s fertilizer industry had made remarkable progress in reducing carbon emissions from 2011 to 2020. Following an increase, the production and application of chemical fertilizers decreased, which made the largest contribution to emissions reduction from agriculture. The output of N, P2O5, and K2O in China decreased from the highest level of 7.43×107 t in 2015 to 5.50×107 t in 2020, a decline of 26.05%. The amount of chemical fertilizer application decreased by 12.82% from the highest 6.02×107 t in 2015 to 5.25×107 t in 2020. The carbon emissions from chemical fertilizers in China decreased from 3.35×108 t CO2 eq in 2015 to 2.74×108 t CO2 eq in 2020, dropping 18.21%. The output of organic fertilizers was on the rise, which was conducive to carbon sequestration and emission reduction. In 2020, the output of organic fertilizers reached 1.56×107 t, up by 29.46% over the 2015 level. Owing to the rapid extension of scientific fertilization technologies, the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers for three major grain crops, namely rice, corn, and wheat, had increased yearly to 40.20% in 2020, up by 5 percentage points over 2015. However, the fertilizer industry in China faced problems, including higher application amounts, low absorption, insufficient innovation, market disorder, unscientific fertilization, inadequate organic fertilizers, and weak legislation and supervision. To achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, China’s fertilizer industry should strive toward the following five aspects: developing new types of fertilizers, promoting science-based technologies for energy-efficient use of fertilizers, improving comprehensive utilization of agricultural wastes, strengthening legislation and supervision of the fertilizer industry, and enhancing publicity and training in scientific low-carbon fertilization.


